The Stay At Home Wife...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

European Immunization Week

Hey it's good deed of the month time again. This time in the form of an adorable video made for the World Health Organization European Immunization Week!

So, if you have a baby, want to have a baby, know someone who has a baby, have seen a baby or have been a baby check the video out! And then go to the EIW page for mor info.

Prevent. Protect. Immunize.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thing I Will Do This Summer

  1. Grill at least once a week (rain or shine)
  2. Party trip to either Yyteri or Kalajoki
  3. Sit on a terrace with a cold beer/cider watching people go by
  4. Have a summer party like last year. Good food, good company, good wine, good music.
  5. Go to at least one festival. RMJ? Pori Jazz? Ruisrock? Ankkarock?
  6. Go swimming... more than once
  7. Grow some organic produce at the farm
  8. Hike to Makkarajärvi. Swim, grill and drink beer :)
  9. Sleep outside at least once
  10. Wear a dress/skirt at least once a week

Thursday, January 22, 2009