The Stay At Home Wife...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Bobby Does Fahsion and Gets 'Done'

In a desperate attempt to make my dog as fashionable as his owner *ahem* I've gone through quite a few bits of doggie apparel before I have found ones that fit my baby (and ones that look completely ridiculous). But no matter how ridiculous the outfits I have captured them all on film. Muahaha...
Bobby with the leg warmers I made him.

Right after I finished the first one I decided to take him outside for a test walk (in the dark). We went all around the neighborhood (even chased a hare round the neighboring block). Then when we were on the way home I noticed that the test leg warmer was missing! We had to track back our whole walk to find it (it had fallen off when we were chasing the hare).

The bunny outfit that was too small.


Bobby in his iPoo t-shirt I ordered from USA. LOL!

Sailor t-shirt Bobby doing what he does best.

The 69 shirt (with daddy randomly attacking Bobby).

Getting a MANicure from uncle Stinky-Tom awww!

Then on Sunday we took at trip accross town to go to the Spanish Rescue dogs pre-Christmas party. And our Bobby spent most of the evening trying to do a (boy) doggy. But at the end of the evening he got what was coming.

Poor Bobby gets done by a very confused dog.

Here are some random bonus pictures:

Bat-dog begging for food.

Our beer guard. Really lousy guard, all the beer was gone by the end of the night.

Mummy and Bobby

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