The Stay At Home Wife...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas party with dog-daddy's family.

Bored on the train.

Samuli's family was holding the annual Christmas party last Saturday. On Friday we had to embark on the grueling trip to Mänttiharju. For some reason the Finnish rail system is prejudice towards those wanting to travel the West-East-West-axis. They probably would blame this on the fact that there is a stupid lake (Päijänne) in the middle of Finland that you have to go around so, initially Finnish geography is seems to want to keep the West from going East and vice-versa. But I think the way the trains are scheduled doesn't make traveling any easier.

On the Lahti-Mänttiharju train (train number 3).

First of all the whole train part of the trip from Tampere to Mänttiharju takes almost 4 hours (one takes 4h 30min). Secondly this trip is split into stupid segments. So, if you're lucky you'll only have to change trains once, the unlucky ones need to change 3 times (that's 4 damn trains!!).

Bobby doing what he does best (at lest someone had fun on the train).

Anyway, I was really reluctant to go since I don't really like going to Mänttiharju, plus our travel cost was about 100e and the fact that I have better things to do on a Friday night than sit on a train (like watching TV and having a beer!). But we did try to make the best of it.

I was a little worried about taking Bobby to dog-daddy's parents place because 1. they have two cats 2. they don't like dogs. So, of course the first thing that Bobby did was chase the cats and pee on a bed. Woohoo! Luckily after that he was a good little pooch.

Bobby on dog-uncles lap.

Looking how mummy feels when visiting dog-daddy's parents.

"Mummy get me out of here. C'mon! At lest let me chase the cats!"

Well in the end the Christmas party itself wasn't bad at all. Bobby was really good! Since there were three small children I had to hold him in my lap for most of the time (both for their and his safety). Everyone kept telling me what a wonderful/special dog he is. I'm so proud!

What our Bobby thinks of Christmas songs.

On Sunday we went for a walk in the forest before setting off back home.

Bobby getting the mail from the other dog-grandparents house.

Crazy-dog and dog-daddy (see he's not all sleep and eat).

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