I was supposed to write this entry on Monday and it was going to be powered by Becks and some awesome lamb bratwurst. Unfortunately though I got a little too carried away by the food and drink and opted to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire instead. I have to say having seen that the second time mmm... it has some hot actors! I mean a lot of you already know about my unhealthy infatuation with Daniel Radcliffe but damn Krum is just... pure sex. Anyway, moving on before Samuli comes home...
I have to talk about the wedding!! It was such a nice, fun, cute wedding! Elina looked so beautiful in her white (!?!) dress! The church was decorated with flowers and the smell of roses was everywhere! The ceremony was nice with Janne's big band playing and Elina's choir singing. Oh and instead of rice they gave out bottles of soap bubbles!
Guests and BubblesThen moving on to the two things that my father in law and I think are essential at a party good food and lots of booze. Well, the food was really good. None of that traditional Finnish crap served at every wedding, birthday, graduation, easter, Christmas, funeral... They had salads and wok with rice and it was good stuff. The booze front was a little disappointing. My brother was smart and went and got a cup of punch then gave it to me when he realized he was our designated driver. I had a couple of sips and had Samuli taste it which left me about half the cup. When I went back to get more it was all gone. I talked to Auvo (my father in law) and he told me that almost the same thing happened to him, only he didn't even get to have a taste. Later on we found out that most of the booze had gone in Janne's brother who at one point was hugging Elina's mum (hilarious!)...
Cutting the CakeThe desert and entertainment was kick ass. They had ice cream with berries and toffee like sauce and wedding cake with layers of delicious strawberries. They had a hilarious play (performed by their friends) about how they met and the early stages of them dating. It had lots of pervertedness and Elina's infamous quote to her mother "oh we just kiss and hold hands"... and Janne's subtle way of telling his parents his girlfriend is pregnant "mum, dad you're grandparents!"
Elina and her precious Oona Since this wasn't your usual kind of couple and it wasn't quite a traditional Finnish wedding it was only right that they didn't have that boring kind of first dance. Instead of the traditional waltz they danced to Happy Together by The Turtles. It was so cute and funny and just friggin' perfect for them.
Tearing up the Dancefloor
Such a Cutie Couple!

Of course they did veer back to tradition and had the traditional waltz after that.So, all in all it was a really beautiful and fun wedding, perfect for Elina and Janne.
I just woke up from the weirdest dream. It was the 100 years war and I didn't want Samuli to go off and fight so we were hiding. There were weird soldiers all over the place and we had to duck into bushes and things all the time. Then we ended up in a really weird tomb like base of a pyramid with these rabid bear/hyena things trying to kill us. Then I took this baton thing and smacked one of the animals on the head several times. When it was dead I skinned it and then sliced it up and marinated it in some trippy sauce. Some how we were suddenly outside grilling and I had put the sliced up rabid animal on my little grill... Then I realized I wasn't the only one grilling and looked over the fence into our neighbors garden who had this HUGE coal grill with a whole animal roasting on a spit. I of course was very jealous and said something like "fuck what an orgasmic grill you guys have"... So, random.