It's been a heck of a year for her. Let me remind you once again that she's 19 now and the groom is 18. So, as you can imagine her last year has been pretty crazy: finding out she is pregnant, exams, graduation, giving birth and now getting married! Crazyness! But I'm so proud of her for achieving so much :)
So, what would a wedding be without a BACHELORETTE PARTY!!! This was quite a small occasion with only four of us but it was fun. But I think I'm a little bit too old to hang out with the crowd there. I mean sitting in a park and getting drunk on a bottle of cider and giggling like idiots and claiming to be totally wasted (ON ONE BOTTLE OF CIDER) is not really my cup of tea. But seeing as by boyfriend's sister is underage we couldn't exactly go to a bar... not that that would have been such a good idea with this particular group of people.
I did learn 3 essential things from the party. Firstly when my time comes I will not put most of the bachelorette party planning pressure on one person. Secondly I want a HUGE party with like tonns of crazy people! And thirdly RUSSIAN STRIPPERS! But yes, my bachelorette part won't be for a while... Having said that all this wedding talk is getting me a little worried. (Actually this weekend 3 people asked me if we'd set the date!) I want quite a big wedding and a lot of my guests would be coming from abroad and that requires a lot of planning. I was even thinking about beginning to make the guest list. I mean that isn't such a crazy idea considering that some people are coming from really far away and many are busy with things all over the world. I mean is it crazy? Am I getting Bridezilla-fever?
Moving on... LOL. On Saturday my father-in-law-to-be had to go pick up a tractor from Mikkeli so we gave him a lift and went to have a look at a newly landscaped park over at Naisvuori, because that's just the kind of sick twisted flower porn picture taking couple we are. HISTORY ALERT: Legend has it that Naisvuori (Women's Mountain or Mountiain of Women) gets its name from the women who climbed on it to watch the fighting of 1789, six kilometers away. This however is false but still a fun story. Anyway we went up to chill in the small park which I would recommend for anyone visiting Mikkeli during the summer. There is also a tower (which you can climb up) with a cafe selling waffles.
Samuli's Park Porn (View from Naisvuori)
It was another scorching weekend according to Finnish standards and I finally got to go swimming in the nearby pond. The word pond by the way may be misleading since it is quite big and over 10m deep. It was really nice the water was so warm it was unbelievable!On the way back we finally stopped to take a picture of a little roadside oddity that's been fascinating Samuli every time we take the Farmer Country road trip. There is this sand mining area (I kid you not they mine sand here!) with this big ass sand pyramid!
I think that counts as a weird road side thing... It did look way cooler a while back before they dumped that other big pile of sand in front so you can't see the bottom of the pyramid. Still this seems to be a bit of a lameish road side oddity so here is another road side view. A sure sign that you're taking the Farmer Country road trip.
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