'Suomi Neito' or Maiden of Finland is the national personification of Finland quite like Sweden's Svea-mamma (who by the way is said to be the mother of Suomi Neito) or any other of the numerous national personifications. Suomi Neito also refers to the shape of Finland on a map. With a little imagination it looks like a female form... with a little more imagination her ass is somewhere around Turku. Not only this but Turku is the butt of many Finnish jokes (harhar). On top of this I'm from Tampere and we have a long-standing mutual feud between us... fought with jokes. Oh and lets not forget the students from Tampere University belonging to the 'Ei-Turkulainen Osakunta' (Non-Turkuan society), which since 1997 has made annual excursions to Turku to jump on the market square, doing their part to undo the post-glacial rebound and push the city back under the sea. Go Tampere!
Now you must be thinking that there must be a really good reason for me to be driving 2h to Turku and back and there is. This:
Tom and Emma's dog! Isn't he the cutest little thing?
I don't really like dogs at all, but this one is a cutie <3
Apparently he kept Tom and Emma up all night peeing on the floor. LOL. Like I said, destruction in disguise! A very cute disguise might I add.

Continuing on the subject of weird roadside attractions. On the way to Turku there was this big ass barn like thing on a field. It turned out to be the Finnish agricultural museum. Woohoo! On the way back from Turku we stopped to let the dog pee and look at sheep while I checked out the gift shop.
Map of the Agricultural Museum Sarka
It was pretty funny looking like this huge building in the middle of fields, so yes I think that counts as a weird road side attraction. We also stopped at another weird road side attraction, Ideapark. Nordics largest mall (104 000m2) built on a field on the side of the Tampere-Helsinki motorway. I was left outside with the dog... pfff... but I did get many people ooing and aahing at the cutie pie!
Apparently he kept Tom and Emma up all night peeing on the floor. LOL. Like I said, destruction in disguise! A very cute disguise might I add.
Continuing on the subject of weird roadside attractions. On the way to Turku there was this big ass barn like thing on a field. It turned out to be the Finnish agricultural museum. Woohoo! On the way back from Turku we stopped to let the dog pee and look at sheep while I checked out the gift shop.
It was pretty funny looking like this huge building in the middle of fields, so yes I think that counts as a weird road side attraction. We also stopped at another weird road side attraction, Ideapark. Nordics largest mall (104 000m2) built on a field on the side of the Tampere-Helsinki motorway. I was left outside with the dog... pfff... but I did get many people ooing and aahing at the cutie pie!
400 Turku people at the bottom of the Aura river is a good start
4000 Turku people at the bottom of the Aura river is problem waste
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