As many of you know our wait is almost over! Last week we found out that Kodittomat Espanjan Koirat ry (Homless Spanish Dogs) had a possible dog for us. Everything about Bobby, from his name to his needs (expressed by the association) seemed perfect, like destiny (how cliché)!
On Wednesday I called the lady in charge of Bobby's re-homing and everything seemed to be in order, although there was still (what I feared would be) a long grueling bureaucracy mess before we could have Bobby home. I called the next day anticipating a long list of things to do, papers to fill, more calls to make, insurances to be payed and then more waiting and it was making me really nervous (every day Bobby was in the kennel instead of a warm caring home was a day too much). To boot I was still in shock after Wednesday's events in Jokela. So, when I called Thursday evening I was so exhausted but ready to 'fight' to prove that our household should be a worthy home candidate for Bobby.
Instead of having to fill in tonnes more paperwork and more unsure waiting for information I was met with a very pleasant surprise. The lady told me that everything seemed to be in order and they would either be placing Bobby on a Wednesday evening flight or the Thursday night flight. I was ecstatic!
Now I've been preparing for Bobby's homecoming buying him all kinds of toys and things, getting rid of our mats/rugs for a while (just in case) and just pretty much making our home dog friendly. I've even bought all kinds of things from Ebay!
The final days are really weird, on one hand at least now I know exactly when Bobby is coming but at the same time I am thinking about it CONSTANTLY! I keep having these nightmares where we're at the airport and he's there but then someone tells me that we're going to be horrible dog parents and takes our Bobby back to Spain. My mother keeps joking that I'm turning almost as insane with anticipation as they were when adopting me. 2 more days...
On Wednesday I called the lady in charge of Bobby's re-homing and everything seemed to be in order, although there was still (what I feared would be) a long grueling bureaucracy mess before we could have Bobby home. I called the next day anticipating a long list of things to do, papers to fill, more calls to make, insurances to be payed and then more waiting and it was making me really nervous (every day Bobby was in the kennel instead of a warm caring home was a day too much). To boot I was still in shock after Wednesday's events in Jokela. So, when I called Thursday evening I was so exhausted but ready to 'fight' to prove that our household should be a worthy home candidate for Bobby.
Instead of having to fill in tonnes more paperwork and more unsure waiting for information I was met with a very pleasant surprise. The lady told me that everything seemed to be in order and they would either be placing Bobby on a Wednesday evening flight or the Thursday night flight. I was ecstatic!
Now I've been preparing for Bobby's homecoming buying him all kinds of toys and things, getting rid of our mats/rugs for a while (just in case) and just pretty much making our home dog friendly. I've even bought all kinds of things from Ebay!
The final days are really weird, on one hand at least now I know exactly when Bobby is coming but at the same time I am thinking about it CONSTANTLY! I keep having these nightmares where we're at the airport and he's there but then someone tells me that we're going to be horrible dog parents and takes our Bobby back to Spain. My mother keeps joking that I'm turning almost as insane with anticipation as they were when adopting me. 2 more days...
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