The Stay At Home Wife...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Home all alone... sux

The way my boys sleep.

Samuli's brother is in the army and tomorrow he will be giving his vow to serve the country and God etc... which in Finland is know as Vala = Vala Päivä = Vow Day. This means that Samuli left today for the East. And I'm stuck alone with Bobby and a disappointing start of a thesis which is going nowhere and a fear for a book exam that I don't even know the books to (although the latter is normal since I have not finished ONE book for a book exam yet). So, the weekend forecast for me seems bleak. But I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow!! Should be interesting. I'm doing what I always do, going to a hairdressing school to get it done. Costs about 12-15€ but the catch is that I get to play guinea pig to some scared student. As I said, it should be interesting.

Units today: 5.24

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