Friday afternoon we packed the Car from Hell (with super glued back light) and headed of on a road trip to Farmer Country a.k.a. Mäntyharju. For those who don't know, Mäntyharju (this place that I make so much fun of) is actually the reason why Sam and I are together. See, a long time ago, say in the summer of 2002, my parents decided it was high time they began the slow, but steady, move back to Finland. This process began with the purchase of an old sheep farm and as it so happened this seemingly remote dead middle of nowhere bumblefuck looservile came with kick ass neighbors. These neighbors were 'luomu' (I think the translation is organic) potato farmers with three weird kids who had many weird cousins. And so five years later these funny neighbors are now my future in-laws. So, even though I do poke a lot of fun about Farmer Country I do owe this 'town' a heck of a lot.
Cottage Garden HeartseaseOn a side note I think my choice in in-law geography was pretty crummy. I mean they are really sweet and all and my parents get along with them just fine, but you know. No one really wants to live 500m away from the in-laws. Really. No matter how sweet. But then again it could be worse. Seeing as they live on a farm passed down from Sam's late grandfather my (future) mother-in-law has lived her whole married life within eyesight of her in-laws. Now that is hardcore!
Sam in Makeshift Jeans Straitjacket
Anyway, I needed some holiday from Sam. I mean don't get me wrong we didn't fight or anything but you know seeing each other everyday for the past five months does make you want to see other people too. My mum was there for the weekend planting and plowing so I escaped to our cottage for most of Saturday.
No Fields of Gold for me. I Prefer Sea of Blue.Sunday we had to leave earlier than we usually do because we had to make two stops on the way home. Stop one was Sam's grandparents (not the across the garden ones). His scarily diligent crafts making grandmother wanted us to pick the color for our cream and sugar set (yes, I know, scary). She also loaded us with various home made handy crafts such as a painted porcelain teabag holder.
*sigh* Isn't that Just so my Color *sigh*Stop two was this legendary guy who Sam spent his year of military service with. I had been hearing about this famous Jokinen for over a year now and finally I got to meet him! I wasn't so impressed, but then again I am renown for being the suckiest first impression person. I never make friends the first time. I'm so anti-social! Still, I can see why my boyfriend likes the guy.