The Stay At Home Wife...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Term pretty much finished on the 14th and since Sam somehow managed to get time of from his "gulag for truck drivers" we decided to use our engagement present... i.e. go to Switzerland. I used to not like living there. I didn't feel like I fit in at all... but it turned out to be fun.

It's the first time I can say that I ran out of time during my stay in Switzerland since I moved away from home. Before it felt more like going back home and that was kinda sucky... you know that movie Garden State
when Andrew Largeman goes back home. OK, minus the controlling father, mothers funeral... oh and the lithium. Um, but you get the idea (maybe). Aaaanyway point is that this was the first time I went to Switzerland on a holiday! Firstly, it's only my dad there now and secondly I had a Switzerland-virgin with my who had to see all the touristy things. Because of this my time was spent between the stove and touristy places. Woohoo. Downside was that I didn't have time to see people *cough* Sandra *cough* which really sucked since I already missed seeing a lot of people at Christmas. However I promise that I will be back... soon enough!

Spiral Snail

So, what does a tourist do in Switzerland? In fact what does an ex-resident-turned-tourist do in Switzerland? One word. Gardens. Yes, gardens with perfect specimens and finger clipped grass was our poison. I know that some of your are shitting yourselves laughing but yes I don't care... or perhaps you are finally convinced of my transformation into a boring housewife. Ha! That may be but I still have some of my old self left. Anyway the reason we did a lot of gardens and parks was because the weather was so nice so obviously we wanted to be outside and secondly my Sam is the son of a farmer. He gets orgasmic when he finds a nice plant (I kid you not!). Plus I did enjoy taking photos of the darn things. Here are some:

Swan with Head in own Arse


Snail on Tree

Happy Opium Plant

If you like any of the pictures I make postcards and other happy merch and seeing as there will be many summer festivities such as graduation etc... cheery cards are needed *wink wink* Basically buy my flower cards... PLEASE! High quality printing on photo paper and postcard paper. Guaranteed original prints including artists autograph oh and will post your order for free if ordering more than 5 cards. One card 1,50e. Will also do custom things just send me a message and ask.

Inside the Cathedral de St-Pierre

Back to topic. It's funny how you never do touristy things when you live somewhere. Like I don't think I have ever been to the Cathedral de St-Pierre (shock!) or really looked at any of the statues of Jardin Anglais in detail or gone to see the Jet d'Eau with a total newbie. To be honest it was quite thrilling, like being there for the first time (corny I know). The only down side to our day out in Geneva was that it was raining pretty hardcore and we got totally soaked.

Geneva from under an Umbrella Darkly

All in all it was a fun holiday. A little short but fun while it lasted. Switzerland you no longer intimidate me, so HA!

Bought from Train Station Vending Machine

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