This I got probably THE most irritating guy in the whole employment office. He didn't listen to a word I said, in fact all he did was repeat "you'll find a job" and "just keep looking". When I asked him how I could find a job later on specializing in my field and told him I was majoring in sociology he clicked on the "social work" section. Which of course came up with results like psychologist, social worker, assistants for people with disability etc... and I was thinking, "my God you idiot social work and sociology aren't the same!" And when I tried to tell him that he seemed to think that it didn't matter as they almost sounded the same so they couldn't be that far off. When I persisted that they really weren't I was like "FINE! Did you know that there is a search field here and we can search for jobs to do with sociology." I told him that yes I knew there was a search but I hadn't exactly done a search with the term "sociology" but that I thought that it wouldn't do much good. He was like, "HA! I bet there will be MANY results just you see and just to show you how many opportunities there are in the whole country I will search all the jobs to do with sociology in Finland!" And guess what, results 1. HAHA! Plus that place was looking for a sociology professor. MUAHAHHA. So, I guess I'll be ending up a bum.
I have to say that I wasn't so annoyed by the fact that he didn't know what sociology is, although it was a little bit disconcerting considering his job, what really pissed me off was the fact that he wouldn't listen to me. He wouldn't let me explain what sociology was which just might have helped him to point me in the right direction. Grrr. What a waste of my time.
We're going to Farmer Country again this weekend. Tom and Emma (my brother's girlfriend) will be there too. Should be interesting. They were going to come up there in our car but then had to go get some things from Vasa (Emma's parents live there) so they'll be coming in the egg-car. Incidentally this was a bit of a relief for me because the Car from Hell isn't the most family friendly car in the world and with those rabbits it would have been really cramped. Plus my brother is convinced that listening to music will give the rabbits a heart attack and I on the other hand will go insane if I have to sit in a car for 3 hours and listen to my brother (I do love him and we get along great but honestly not 3 hours). Plus I just bought a new (O.K. used) iPod video and it is just kick ass (although Sam doesn't think so since I now have 26 gigabytes more of bad music than I did before).
Woohoo it's almost Friday!
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