The Stay At Home Wife...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Doggie Decisions

We just got an answer from the Spanish dogs place saying that Kika and Risa are still available. The last time I heard from the puppy in Helsinki was yesterday morning when the owner sent me an e-mail he would get back to me later that evening. Still no reply. This is kind of stressful since I do want one of these dogs but at the same time if I'm too eager I may end up with two and at some point I have to chose which one to pursue. So, I was hoping I could get some helpful advice again.

Here are our two candidates at the moment:

  • 2 years old
  • female
  • 30cm high and weighs 6kg
  • The following is included in Risa's payment:
  1. microchip
  2. EU-passport
  3. rabies vaccination
  4. some triple vaccination
  5. some ekinokokkoos treatment
  6. Leishmania test
  7. Heartworm test
  8. sterilization
  9. airfare to Helsinki
  • We would be giving an abandoned dog a home
  • She is a rescue dog so she may have different problems (mental and physical).
  • We don't yet know if we can have her and there are issues outside our control which might influence that.
  • 3 months old
  • Father is a corgi-kleinspitz-mix and mother is a papillon-like-mix so she will be a small 'toy' dog size
  • She is a puppy
  • Since she is not a rescue dog we wouldn't have to prepare for those 'special' kinds of problems that those kinds of dogs might have.
  • She's had her first check up and has also received two vaccinations.
  • Has not been in a 'stressful' environment (been in someones home with mother)
  • Does not come with all the checkups and vaccinations as Risa (and so we would have to pay for those later)
  • Owner hasn't replied to e-mail so maybe she found a home already.
Ugh... difficult decisions, especially when the outcome isn't even really up to me. Frustrating...

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