The Stay At Home Wife...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

No Wings but Fireworks

Well as you might have guessed I didn't get my Friday wings this week (but we are going today, yay!) because Samuli said that I'll get them when I finish my essay. Of course I took all day to do it and when I finally was almost done he said we could go. But it was too late, the place was packed so we ended up at Hesburger. There were so many people out last night everywhere was full! About ten minutes after we got to Hese there was a line of hungry families almost to the door! It's been a while since we went out on Friday evening so either I've forgotten how it is or there were people out because of the opening of Valoviikot.

Valoviikot (Lightweeks) is the yearly opening of the 'Christmas-like' light decorations on the streets of Tampere and each year they open with fireworks! Yay! I'd been given an assignment by one of my photography courses to go and take pictures. Now, I've never taken pictures of fireworks, at least not seriously. I don't really enjoy the course anyway so my attempt this time was half assed too I didn't even take my camera stand with me. Still I did enjoy the fireworks, they were pretty cool! And then I came back home to drink beer and finish my essay (ended up being at 1:25).

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