The Stay At Home Wife...

Monday, August 27, 2007

Recap pt.1: End of Work Party

I know, it's been a while again. Here's a recap of what's been going on:

On the 16th Samuli finally finished work, so to celebrate the fact that we are now both poor, lazy stupid students I decided to hold a party for him. It was supposed to be just me and him, but when my brother found out we had balloons, food and booze he was in.

Like I said, booze was involved.

But we didn't get drunk. (*AHEM*)

No really, we weren't drunk... honest.

Then my brother had to go home...

...And we decided to go with him...

...And he tried to get away from us...

...But failed because he was outrun by a drunk when he was conned into posing...

...My brother got away when Samuli decided to do some fat-burning exercises (The street sign says Hikivuorenkatu = Sweatmountainstreet)...

...And to finish the night off we passed out on the street.

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